Does Your Art Heal, And Can You Say That Out Loud?

Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

Does your art heal, and can you use that benefit to market it?

I think yes.

If you still feel skeptical, here’s evidence of two specific kinds of art that absolutely heal: the written word, and music.

I went on an emotional roller-coaster ride listening to Colin Campbell talk on this podcast about his two children being killed by a drunk driver, and the memoir that was birthed from his experience of grieving. If you’ve experienced profound or debilitating grief, this book can help. His written word heals.

Music is next. This quote from William Congreve says it all: “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”  It’s often misquoted as “soothe the savage beast,” but either way you get the idea. Listen to the Phoenix Chorale for some sound healing. Appropriately, this song is called Let Nothing Trouble You.

Why am I talking about this?

Because we often dismiss art as something frivolous, or only for people with money, or only for people with a certain level of education or net worth.

When in truth, art is for everyone.

Your job, if you want to get your art into the world, is to figure out what section of “everyone” needs yours.

Because your work matters, it’s worth your time to figure out who wants and needs your art.



Your Art Is Not Lana Turner


The Healing Power of Art