How Does Pleasure Interfere With Creativity?
Last week I wrote about the four idols: Money, Power, Pleasure, and Fame. And how, in my case, the worship of fame blocked my creativity. The idol Fame tells me that if my books don’t sell, if they don’t sit for ten years straight on the New York Times bestseller list, then they aren’t worth writing.
Talk about a block to creativity.
I was talking to an artist friend this week, who said his idol, to his deep embarrassment, was Pleasure.
By the way – if you're having trouble identifying your own idol, look for the one that repels you the most. That might be yours.
How does the idol Pleasure interfere with creativity?
Like this. When my friend is in the flow of his creativity, it's deeply pleasurable. Fun. Time stands still. All is right with the world.
But as every creative knows, the creative process isn't always fun and flowy. Sometimes it's tough and painful. Then my friend’s inner Judge steps in and gives him an earful. This is hard. Painful. This isn’t how creativity should work. It’s supposed to be fun. You should stop right now.
That's how being unconscious about your own idol can block your creativity. It uses anything it can to keep you small and hidden.
That's how being unconscious about your own idol can block your creativity. It uses anything it can to keep you small and hidden.
There are a thousand “reasons” that can block you from doing your work. It’s good to recognize them for what they are: mostly ghosts from the past that tell you lies.
Anybody worshiping power or money? How does that affect your creativity? Tell me in the comments below.
Your art matters. Make sure your idol doesn't get in the way of it.