Is Shame Preventing You From Marketing?

Although I can go back and re-read my writing, so far I can’t re-watch the videos I've made. And, I've written a lot of blog posts, posted a lot on Facebook and Instagram (with virtual help from content creator Willow), and I have interviewed over 40 artists, musicians, writers (and one start-up founder). You can watch the interviews either on Instagram or YouTube. Even after all of this marketing, shame has me grappling with being visible. Maybe shame is keeping you from being visible, too?

Why would it be useful for me to watch the videos I've made?

I would understand my people better. I would improve my interviewing skills. I could even practice telling viewers about my coaching. Watching would be a valuable exercise.

This is where shame enters the room

What's the big deal about watching the interviews? I’m worried about what I’m going to see. I’m worried about feeling shame. So I don’t grab the opportunity that re-watching my interviews is just waiting to offer me. I have been able to be visible in writing my blog, weekly emails, and in video form (learn more about my process of getting there in this blog post), but the idea of watching the videos brings up tough feelings.

Is shame keeping you from being visible?

Are you procrastinating doing your marketing because of fear or shame? If so, send me an email and we can figure out a shame-fear buster. Here’s mine: a public promise that by next week, I will have watched at least four of my videos.

Our work matters.

Racheting up the marketing for your creative products and services

Helping you figure out what you’re really doing for your people and the best way to communicate it to them are my superpowers. If you need help with this, let’s chat.


Shame could be why you're not marketing your art


Getting to the Heart of What Your Art Offers Other People