People DO Buy Art. Here Are 4 Reasons Why.
Last week, I talked about the emotional reasons people buy art. Emotional impact is the first thing that comes up for most people when they think about reasons to buy art, but there are many others.
Here are 3 other reasons
Art enhances our living and working spaces. It’s a way to personalize where we live; make our lives more decorative, more beautiful.
Art can help people feel connected to each other, to a place or a time or a community. Think about how music you listened to when you were in your teens makes you feel when you hear it now.
Art can inspire, spur dialogue or catalyze culture change.
Do you have any other reasons you'd add? Let me know in a comment below.
Do you know how people feel when they buy your art?
I made a worksheet that lists all the reasons people buy art. If you’d like it, email me and I’ll send it to you.
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