So That What?
My new book Artists-Prosper is about how artists can make money and get their work into the world..
I was reading this cool article about living an authentic life (there’s a word for this-anti-mimetic-as in don’t mime other people’s lives).
One of the author’s suggestions was—if you’re going to be on social media, have a clear purpose. Otherwise, your Hawaiian vacation photos will just be part of the millions of others out there trying to impress people who don’t care and aren’t paying attention. Ouch.
What’s Your Purpose for Being on Social Media?
And while we’re at it, what’s your purpose for any marketing you’re doing at all?
My off-the-top-of-my-head answer to this is:
Sell Books
Okay, but why? The money is nice, but selling books is a notoriously difficult way to make money.
What’s Deeper?
My most recent book helps creatives, that’s you, get your work into the world, because the world needs it. Your creative work brings awareness and ultimately progress, without which the culture wouldn’t advance. I want to help more creatives.
So That What?
The bottom-line reason for all this social media, newsletters, interviews, and writing of books is this: I need to teach what I most need to learn: how to articulate what blocks us (me) from doing our creative work, and what to do to clear it away.
Trauma Creates Blocks
I want to show you, and myself, how to clear that away, for real, so we can get our work to the people who need it. We can do what we are meant to do without the voices in our heads telling us we can’t.
That’s Me. What About You?
Your work matters. That’s why it’s helpful to answer this question for yourself. What’s your purpose for being on social media. Or even more broadly, what’s the purpose of your work?
If you want a worksheet on how to do this, email me.
Happy Purpose-Filled New Year.
PS: Here’s the link to Artists: Prosper! It will explain what causes stuckness, and what to do about it.