What If Everything Is "Right"

Coaching and self-help books (my work over the last almost 20 years!) is often, or exclusively focused on what's wrong, and how to change your actions, perceptions, circumstances, education, experiences, or whatever it takes, to make things right.

What If Everything in Your Life Is "Right?"
Or at least everything has logical or understandable reasons why they are the way they are.

Like This
I went on my first birding trip last week (super fun). The guide was a bird savant. He would cock his head, stop for a few seconds, then point to a bush and say, "That's a Purple Gallinule." or "That's a Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (yes, real birds we actually saw). He could tell they were there by the call, even if he couldn't see them yet. He could identify different hawks by their wing patterns that were so high in the sky they all looked like black specks to me.

The guide is also a gifted artist. With a website where you can see his work. 

But There Are No Prices On His Website
I've seen this often. Maybe you have this same issue. Lots of awesome work of all kinds to sell, but you don't give us a way to buy it.

Before Jumping On Yourself...
For not having the perfect website, or the perfect marketing, or for just being a slacker, ask yourself this question.

What's Right About This?
In the birding guide's case, I'm guessing he's so busy traveling and guiding that he doesn't have time to sell his art. This is a bona fide obstacle. For right now, this is working for him.

How About You?
Do you have an awesome thing you do or make, but you haven't given us a way to buy it because you're too busy/overwhelmed/scared to do anything about it now? Ask yourself this question.

Is That Okay?
If so, yay. Carry on.

If not, what needs to change?

Because your work matters.

PS: As I have mentioned (!), my new book will help you make peaceful relationships with the parts of you that are blocking you from starting, finishing, and showing your work, as well as with other parts of yourself that are committed to the status quo, even if it's time for change. You can find it here. The cartoon at the top of the newsletter is from the book. It's your inner Maker--the part of you that knows how to do what you do.

Photo by Musiime Muramura on Unsplash


Selling Your Work As a Path to Enlightenment


Now You Know Why. What’s Next?