Is It Time to Re-Examine Your Rules?

I’ve been talking about art/creativity as an infinite game. The single purpose of an infinite game is to keep it going, even if we have to change the rules about how the game is played.

My rules used to be once I was done, I was done

One of the previous rules in my infinite writing game was that once I wrote a book, I was finished with it. Proofreading, correcting and re-reading my own writing demanded so much energy, perseverance, tenacity and compassion that by the time the book was published, I could barely stand to glance at it from across the room. No wonder I couldn’t (or thought I couldn’t) look at it again.

Revising my art rules

A couple months ago, I decided to revise and re-issue my first book, Passion, Plan, Profit. It takes creatives and other small business owners through the process of making a plan to sell their work. I’ll have a link up for the book soon. In the meantime, though, you can download the revised resource list from the book here to get a taste of some of the revisions.

This was a radical revision of my rules.

I used to think I’d never revise a book, ever. But I was wrong. I even discovered some unexpected truths:

  1. I’m a better writer than I was in 2009. AND I wasn’t a bad writer in 2009. Good news.
  2. Ways to find and make relationships and sell to our people has changed dramatically for the better.
  3. If I think about myself as the “delivery vehicle” for the information I’m writing about, rather than as The Writer, the pressure to do it perfectly measurably lessens.

Breaking the rules is necessary to stay in the art game

If you’re revising the rules of your creativity/art, one of your goals might be selling more of your art and I've got a tool to help you do that.

When you sign up for my weekly newsletter, you'll have access to my new cheat sheet. It's called: Keep Calm & Sell Something. Sign up here.

a cheat sheet which lays out the steps to sell your art

Individual coaching programs for creatives

I am doing two individual coaching programs. Create Your Day Job and Sell Your Art Peacefully. If you’d like to talk about whether either of these programs would be a fit for you, please book a chat with me. Or--book a chat with me to brainstorm what the rules are for you in this infinite game; or what your art is here to do.

You get to revise the rules for your art anytime

Whatever you’re up to, remember that you’re in charge of the rules of your infinite game of creativity/art. You can change them any time, especially when you realize how much your work matters, and if a change in your rules, no matter how scary, will help your work get into the world.


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