When the Struggle to Do Your Art Is Real
Have you ever struggled to do your art?
I know. Dumb question. Everyone struggles at some point. I wonder sometimes if the appeal of booze and drugs and other distractions arises from this struggle. If I can’t do art at least I can get high. (Definitely not recommending this--my experience is that it worsens the problem in the short AND the long run).
So if booze and drugs and distractions aren’t the solution to struggling with your art, what is?
Figuring out what infinite game you’re playing. AND understanding the purpose of your game, so you can figure out what your rules are.
What is the purpose of your art?
Here's something you can try.
Answer this question: The purpose of my art (or your creative practice or however you name it) is _________.
Then ask yourself, “So that what?”
Repeat this question a few times to get to the deeper place with the purpose of your work.
Here's an example from one of my coaching clients Emily Gonzales. (Thanks, Emily):
Emily: The purpose of my art is to:
Art: Make images that resonate with my heritage as a Native American.
Emily: So that what?
A: People who don’t know about Native America, especially where I live, can start to see and experience its importance and beauty.
E: So that what?
A: They understand we’re here. That we’re important, a vital part of the land, the history.
E: So that what?
A: People see our value and sacredness.
You don't have to find the "right answer," because there isn't just one
There isn’t one right answer. All of them point to a deeper purpose. The most important ones are those that resonate with you.
Once you know the purpose of your art, then...do the rules about your creative practice--how long/how often you spend on it; how you get your work into the world, what work you’re doing--match?
If not, do you need to change the rules?
If you’re revising the rules of your creativity/art, one of your goals might be selling more of your art and I’ve got a tool to help you do that. When you sign up for my weekly newsletter, you’ll have access to this new cheat sheet called: Keep Calm & Sell Something.
Coaching to help you develop your own set of art rules
I am running two individual coaching programs. Create Your Day Job and Sell Your Art Peacefully. If you’d like to talk about whether either of these programs would be a fit for you, please book a chat with me. Or--if you need to look at the purpose of your creative practice and whether your rules match, we can talk about that too.